
Bubble crystalizing.
Bubble crystalizing
Fort Snelling Park, Minneapolis, MN
Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, MN
Creek in Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, MN
Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, MN
Veterans Park, Richfield, MN
Robin finding dinner at Wood Lake, Richfield, MN
Wood Lake, Richfield, MN
Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, MN

Northern Flicker
Yellow rumped Warbler
Sharp shinned hawk
Green Darners
Super Flower Blood Moon with satellites
Northern Cardinal
Osprey with his lunch
Northern Cardinals
Waterfall at Minnesota Arboretum
Yellow Warbler
Red Wing Blackbird coming in for a landing
One bee fighting off another
Two ducks going after each other
Two ring billed gulls patiently waiting for the next boat to come
Wood frog taking a break
American Loon
Blue Jay drying off after a dip in the pond
Leaves Budding
Leaves budding
The bark that had fallen off a tree
Artistic dandelion
Another dandelion